This is a crucial question for any medical wiki. David Rothman, an information service specialist and an authority on medical wikis has said in an interview recently:
“If a middle-schooler foolishly uses Wikipedia as his/her only source for a class report and gets the birth date of Josef Stalin wrong because someone added it incorrectly, little real harm is done- but medical information is used by medical professionals and healthcare consumers to make potentially life-changing decisions. The consequences of inaccurate information could be extremely harmful.”
The main challenge for new wikis dealing with narrow scientific and specialist areas like echocardiography is to attract enough users with the motivation to contribute. Many of these users will be dissuaded by the need to prove their credentials before being given the right to contribute. Restricting the editing rights to known users is possible in wikis with hundreds of users, but difficult in sub-specialty wikis. I wonder what others think about this.